Thursday, October 15, 2009

Some time with Mémère

On Monday morning, Jacob went to visit his mom with Juliana...
They decided on going to the mall to walk around and ended up checking out the pets! Jacob told me that Juliana had a blast and even got to play with a dog in one of the rooms. Here's Juliana and Mémère looking at some smaller pets...
A collage of more pictures, with the one of Juliana playing with one of the dogs at the bottom!
I love this picture! If only she had a car like this...
And on the bus...
Unfortunately, they ran out of time since Jacob needed to bring Juliana to meet me at the doctor's office for her physical, but they got a few hours of fun in!


Camille, Blake, Pierce and baby Asher said...

Glad to see she got some time with J's mom... keep the pics coming... we miss you here.

Tata44 said...

AWESOME care....and Juliana looks like a dog might be something for a 3rd or 4th b-day? Hehe!