Sunday, October 25, 2009

Life is just too short

This visit back to the States has been wonderful and it really has taught us a lot about ourselves and our family (the three of us). A lesson we already knew but had to learn all over again is that Life is just too short. There are way too many people living their lives without realizing that any day could be their last or that any day could be a loved one's last.

Someone in my life recently said to me, "I can only be ME," and I completely agree. She can only be the person she is, just like I can only be ME and so on and so forth for everyone else. You are who you are and either people accept it or they don''s simply really. All the events in my past have led me to where I am today (physically, emotionally and mentally) and I can say without a doubt in my mind that Life is Good and God is Grand. He has blessed me is so many ways, I lost count a long, long time ago. Throughout some of the struggles that continue, I persevere, because I know that I have a beautiful daughter to raise and a wonderful husband to stand by. I'm human and my mistakes are just that, mistakes. C'est la vie! Forward is the only way to go, one day at a time.

I found this quote and it says it all perfectly...


Tata44 said...

Some people just never get it. You are an amazing YOU and tell anyone who doesn't like it, "too bad." Or they can chat with me :-)

Tata44 said...


Sandie said...

Thank you for that quotation Mel. I love it. It is only as we get older and have experienced a bit more of lifes gifts that we realise we just cant be what other people (family, friends, workmates) want us to be. It just is never enough. We can only be ourselves. I wish I could turn back the clock to my teenage years and live them with this wisdom. XX Sandie ( Australia )

Leone Fabre said...

Life is as long as it is .....but how ever long it is, enjoy every moment the best way you can and while you can with family and loved ones.

Never look back and think "oh how I wish I ....... "

Because that is not going to happen. Look forward ALWAYS and one day at a time like you say.

My life has had many up's and downs, but whatever has happened you have to look forward and "get on with it"

In 2001 I was diagnosed with grade 3 cancer and they didn't think I would last the year. The ONLY way to get thru that was to always think positive, look for the good things in people and around you and know that you are blessed with a loving and supportive family.

Today I no longer even think of the year of 2001 ... I only look for the good side in things... and to be happy.

Mel, I truly believe you will get thru this life better than most, due to your faith and the positive attitude you always show.

I know it is hard (very hard) being away from family .... but you will look back on this time and know that you were also blessed to have this wonderful opportunity to live and experience another culture.

Remember there is a reason for you being here.

Travel safe back to Singapore. XXX