Thursday, October 8, 2009

Leaving on a jet plan...

To begin, flashback to a year ago on our flight to Singapore (October 2008). She is so tiny compared to now...
This time around, such a big girl! On that note, we put her on the scale at the airport check in counter and she weighs 29.4 pounds, WOW!! Ah, the good moments from the flight!I must say that it really wasn't as bad as I was expecting though. From Singapore to Germany (12 hours, give or take), it was night time, so she slept pretty well for most of the flight and then woke up to have some food and watch some DVDs. The second flight, a mere four hours shorter than the first was okay until Juliana got a burst of energy after her nap and become very fidgety. Jacob and I took turns doing laps up and down the aisles and afterwards, dug into the bag of tricks for all the toys she didn't see or use on the first flight. We had gotten her a Dora laptop as an early birthday gift, so that passed some time, but not enough! The DVD player died with two hours to go, so we did our best to keep her occupied.

Our final shuttle flight from New York to Boston was late, so that made our time waiting at the gate miserable since we were exhausted and Juliana wanted to run around still. By the time we finally boarded the plane, Juliana passed out on Jacob's lap within ten minutes and we were landing in no time. Unfortunately, we had to wake her up, so she wasn't in the best of moods, but after the ride to my mom's (Juliana got car sick for the first time ever, poor thing) and a bath, she was her happy self again. Got to cuddle with her Nana and Nanny, play with Brandy and explore new (old really, but it's been so long!) territory.

Look out New Hampshire, we're here!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

You made it!! I'm glad it was better than you thought it would be.