Thursday, December 31, 2009

My little cleaner

For those of you that know me well, you are well aware that I'm a bit obsessive compulsive and like to clean way too much (weird, I know). So it's no surprise that I got Juliana this adorable cleaning set a few months ago and that she loves it! Lately, she's been pushing the cart around, using the spray bottles to clean and pulling out the mop and broom to clean the floors...
Then daddy had to chase her around so we could hear her boisterous laughter!
Hey, at least for now I know that I can ask Juliana to help with the chores, although I know that won't last as she gets older. For now though, she will help vacuum the floors and sweep. What's next, laundry?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that is so cute shes a little helper too christopher is the same way and hes got his own cleaning set also!!! He loves running away from daddy laughing to i love this post!!!