Saturday, November 14, 2009

What fun!

After our emergency trip to the doctor on Thursday night, Juliana has been on medication for a viral infection. She's had a few rough nights and is exhausted, but the fever is slowly going away.

On Friday, she was too tired to go to the MOPS & MOPPETS outing, unfortunately, but it was a chance for her to rest a bit at home and play. She even got some art time in...
Once Juliana fell in love with the Monkeydoos, "Go Animals," I looked up other DVDs by the same company and got hold of the Monkeydoos, "Things That Go." We ordered it in the States and brought it back with us, so she's been learning how to be an airplane, a trolley, a scooter and other things that go...
This morning, Juliana slept in after waking up in the middle of the night and then got to play with us all ! Lately, the loves her little ponies, but doesn't say the word quite right, so it comes out sounding like "horny!" It's funny to hear, but we keep trying to help her say, "p-ony!"
After her nap, we headed to Jurong Point to get out of the house since it was raining and dreary. Juliana enjoyed her chicken nuggets and corn and even asked to see Ronald this time. She still won't sit next to him, but she did offer her microphone for him to sing...
After Juliana's dinner and some walking around, it was time for Jacob and I to fill our bellies, so we tried a new Spanish place at JP and it was pretty good. She enjoyed her french fries, otherwise known as her "reward" for eating her entire meal at McDonald's...
Hopefully, she'll sleep better tonight and be rested in the morning for another family day. God bless you little girl!

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