Saturday, November 21, 2009

This is what dinner is like...

Ah, dinner time! It's always interesting and lately, Juliana has been entertaining us while we eat more and more. Her newest fascination: her hair! She loves shaking her head and playing with her hair...

We have starting using the timer (thank you MOPS speaker for this!) at the dinner table, so Juliana gets used to sitting down for at least 15-20 minutes at meal time. Even if she's done eating, we tell her she can't get down until "the red is gone" and the timer goes "bing!" She doesn't always enjoy this... As soon as the time is up, she'll say, "red is all gone" and very nicely ask, "Daddy/Mommy, down please." The timer seems to help her visualize the time and then she has something to look forward to! Here's that face of satisfaction...Such a doll, but definitely testing us a lot more. We've been working with the 1-2-3 magic again and she knows when she's done something wrong. With that and the timer (fingers crossed), things seem to be looking a little brighter in the discipline department! I'll keep you updated.

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