Monday, November 16, 2009

'Tis the Season to be Jolly

Ah, the holidays...yes, they are wonderful, especially with our daughter to share it with, but they can also be hard too. Thank goodness I have this cute face to look at...
We started to put up some decorations this weekend to get into the spirit of the season and start to teach Juliana about Jesus, Santa and everything else about Christmas. She now says, "Ho ho ho" if we ask her what Santa says and we'll be pulling out her Little People nativity set too!

Ever since my father passed away (and other loved ones before and after), the holidays can sometimes seem bleak. I have been reminding myself to focus on the present, thank God for all the blessings in my life and remember: Life is short and every moment matters. The drama and chaos is NOT worth it and any energy spent on people or things that do not fit into my life, for whatever reason, is just a waste of precious time. I miss my family deeply and wish I could see them for Thanksgiving and Christmas, share Juliana with them and be close for the birth of my second niece (Brittellen is due right after Christmas!). There's something to be said about the family dinners, the rounds of charades, the laughter and fun. Being out here in Singapore just means that we have to create different traditions and now that Juliana is old enough to start learning about what Christmas means, it will be a lot more fun.

Part of my heart will be back in the U.S. with my family and friends throughout the coming months, but I have a wonderful husband and a precious little girl to focus on here. A friend recently added this to her e-mail to me:

Therefore He is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them. -Hebrews 7:25

Just another reminder that God will provide and intercede when we need him. He's always there for us, just need to reach out and trust in Him. God bless everyone in your preparations for the holidays!

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