Friday, November 27, 2009

Happy Turkey Day!

Last night, we were fortunate to have a great group of friends to celebrate Thanksgiving with. Jacob met me by Orchard from work, so we got there early enough to spend some time with Kaelan before his bed time. He loved bouncing up and down and wouldn't let Jacob stop! He is all Travis in the face, except for Jessica's eyes...
Jessica and Travis have a gorgeous place, right downtown. I had to take pictures of some of their beautiful art and furniture they've collected while living out here. I especially loved her decadent table spread, very festive!
Sitting down to eat...had to make it a quick picture as all of our stomachs were growling!
Dinner was delicious! Jessica and Travis went all out with all the fixings...a great turkey, cranberry sauce (with lots of other goodies in it), stuffing, mashed potatoes, a green bean and cheese casserole, rolls, gravy, good wine, and plenty of dessert too (never mind the appetizers)! I was so thankful to be sitting at a table, surrounding by the wonderful friends we have made here in Singapore, eating an actual thanksgiving meal!

Sadly, right after dinner, Jennifer got a call that her oldest son, Caleb took a bad fall while jumping on the couch. They had to head home and ended up at the hospital, poor guy! So, he's in our prayers.

Here's the rest of us couples, completely stuffed!
The group (minus Jennifer and Justin, but at least they made it into the first picture!)
After lots of talking, we headed into the living room to play a game called, "Pass the Pigs," which none of us (except Gillian and Jamey) have ever heard of! At the bottom right is the two pigs that you toss and depending on the positions they land in, you get a certain amount of points. It was interesting with some rather hilarious language too! Note the girls all smiling and the boys, "posing" for their picture! Top left is Jamey and Travis, the judges for the game.
It was a wonderful evening...thank you to our host and hostess for an amazing meal and everyone else for the company. We have a great Turkey Day!

1 comment:

Camille, Blake, Pierce and baby Asher said...

It was wonderful... can you send me the original pics of the couples... and hte first pic of all but you (so sorry you were not in it)... thanks!