Monday, August 31, 2009

The demands of family...

The demands of family
can be overwhelming
and demanding,
but there are always rewards.

We often feel pressured
to be someone we're not,
a different, more "picture perfect"
version of ourselves.

But we need to remove the mask,
show our true selves.
and hope that our loved ones
can accept us for who we are.

Time changes,
people grow and change,
personalities can clash,
but in the end, it's still our family.

A family is accepting,
no matter what.
A family is forgiving,
no matter what...

...and now matter how long it takes.


Oswald Chong said...

Congratulation on your blog winning the prize! It seems like you're interested in many oriental philosophies that are related to family... you may want to check this out.... cheers!

Jenn said...

Is that character "family"? I don't know much about Chinese charaters, but I am pretty sure that the bottom part of it is the symbol for heart- which if you think about it is pretty cool to have that in the family character. (Correct me wrong anyone.)

Melanie said...

The character means forgiveness.