Thursday, August 13, 2009

Beautiful poem

I received an amazing e-mail from Jennifer and she included a poem that I desperately needed to read at that moment. It's written by Jennifer Willerton and her blog is here.

Beginning Again...
On this day you will begin, renewing your commitment to be His child.
You promise to love Him no matter what.
Honor him in all you do,
And be His faithful child as long as you live.
You will begin again every morning from, now on.
Each time the sun breaks over the horizon is a new start, another chance to remember your wedding vows to your Lord.
Every morning - God does the same for you.
When you see the sunshine, remember His promises.
When you see a rainbow, remember His promises.
When you see one of His children dying to Him in baptism, remember His promises.
If you ever think to yourself, Where is my God?", you will find him out on the dance floor waiting for you.
Go and meet Him, Melanie- the dance begins again.
Written by Jennifer Willerton

Picture this being me, dancing for and praising my God.


Camille, Blake, Pierce and baby Asher said...

Wow... that is beautiful...

Jenn said...

Beautiful. It is wonderful to have sisters in Christ to help you draw close to God in those tough times.