Thursday, February 4, 2010

What if......

So, things have been ridiculously busy this week, with Jacob away, a new job for me and LOTS of changes in my adorable little daughter. I often feel like the whole world is caving in on me and then I just need to remind myself that God has a plan and He will see me through all of the trials, tribulations and chaos of life. This poses me with the "What if" questions that I think we all face.

I challenge you to come up with your own "What ifs?" Don't be afraid to make them unrealistic, because isn't that the point? Sometimes we need to dream in life, take a step away from reality and just dream. I think that's why God gave us some amazing imaginations. Take a moment to write a comment or if you journal, write in your journal about this.

Here is just a few of mine:

What if I had tons of money and was faced with the decision of how to spend it? (Believe me when I say that I have TONS of answers for this one!)

What if I woke up tomorrow and found out that I had to make a decision to work for the rest of my life or never work again, what would I do?

What if I could meet God, what would I ask him?

A friend of mine did a post similar to this one not too long ago and I was amazed at the responses she got. It got me thinking a lot about life and how to find meaning in the HERE and NOW. Sometimes that takes an imagination to think, "What if..." and then bring yourself back to your life as it already is. God works in mysterious ways and I don't think He expects us to always just roll with the punches. I believe he wants us to fight when we need to, cry when we need to, dream when we need to and simply rest when we need to.

"...Your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need." - Matthew 6:32-33

God WILL provide, but it's also okay to pray for what you think you need for any given moment and He will answer as He sees fit for your life. God bless.


JJroke said...

I always have the "what ifs" and I love this post. For me, it's "what if I left my job, then what?" or "what can I do with my life?" I think it's important to dream to imagine and then return to reality.

Melanie said...

I often have these too....what ifs about work, jobs and whether or not I'm making the right decision. Prayer and lots of patience.