Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I loved this quote from one of my favorite tv shows and wanted to share. It's perfect, because a lot of people, including me, keep focusing on mistakes and life is too short for this.“The issue of control keeps coming up over and over and over again for you. You can’t control life. You can only live your life. And you live it in any way you want in that you can choose your feelings about the people around you and what’s going on around you. So live your life. Give up trying to control it and live it. Live it to the fullest. Life is good whether you’re happy or not. Personally, I think the pursuit of happiness is just a waste of time. So forget about being happy. What is happiness anyway, other than being surrounded by people who love you and you can’t choose how they love you. You can only choose to feel the love. Feel the love. This is a wonderful time in your life, if you choose you choose to see it that way. As far as all the mistakes go, is anything really a mistake, or are mistakes just lessons? Everyone makes mistakes. Life is school, a learning process and some lessons are more painful than others, but that’s just how it is. The sum total of our experiences is what makes us who we are.” -Unknown

Isn't this what we usually do? Make a list of our mistakes, going over and over them again in our head? Well, we cannot fix them and yes, they are lessons. The people we become and continue to grow into are all based upon the choices we make and the experiences we have.
Those "mistakes" that we make lead to a whole lot of life lessons. I know I've had my fair share!Go on, make your mistakes today and then move on and live your life!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very nice this post is great!! I like the part life is good whether your happy or not so true i believe that and also Feel the Love :)