Sunday, February 14, 2010

The day of L-O-V-E!

We've never been big celebrators of Valentine's Day, but it was nice to have Jacob home today after nearly three weeks. For the past (almost) two days, Juliana has been very demanding of his attention, obviously fearing he's going to leave again, so we've just enjoyed hanging out as a family. Yesterday afternoon, we had our date at the movies, but then decided on take out and brought it home to eat dinner with our girl.

This morning, I got some delicious waffles and a "Happy V Day" on my plate in maple syrup! Juliana was adorable too, because she seems to get jealous whenever daddy gives mommy attention. Ha! Who would have thought I'd have to battle with a 2 year old for my husband's attention?? :-)

For months now, we've been playing this game with Juliana, which I believe began with singing "Ring around the Rosie" and ending with us falling down and "sleeping." So whenever we "sleep," Juliana now knows that she has to give her Princess Kiss to wake us up! I know it might sound strange, but it's rather adorable. Here's Juliana and Jacob pretending to sleep...
And the magical kiss to wake daddy up!
After playing a bit and talking to my mom and brother, we headed downstairs to play outside. Juliana was so happy to have both mommy AND daddy with her!
I warned Jacob when he got home Friday night that he would need his energy pills to keep up with her. As I said, she's been demanding 100% of his attention and she worries whenever he leaves the room. She also woke up nice and early this morning crying and ended up in bed with us, but it will just take her a few days to realize that daddy is home now and he's not going to just pick up and go away again. Well, hopefully not anytime in the near future!

At the playground running around the pole...
Then climbing it...
So, Happy Valentine's Day everyone. I am truly grateful to have such a loving, supportive husband, which led to a beautiful little girl! I love and miss my family and friends back in the U.S. too and they should all know that they are always on our minds and in our hearts and prayers.

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