Friday, February 5, 2010

Daddy update and etc.

We have started some new art classes at a different location and I'm hoping that Juliana enjoys it just as much, if not more, than the other ones she was taking. She has become so much more creative and made a beautiful arrangement of flowers yesterday! It's now hanging on the kitchen door so she can show it off to visitors. Here she is while working hard on it...
Juliana just got spoiled again with some boxes from the U.S. that included some toys, coloring books, and lots of clothes! She seems to be outgrowing her clothes fast lately...growth spurt coming? Think so. She got this Hello Kitty shirt from her Uncle Justin and Auntie Brit and as soon as I opened her drawer this morning, this was her first choice of what to wear! Here she is chilling out with her friends, the new Valentine monkey from Nana and Nanny and of course, Pooh!
Showing off her outfit! Is it just me, or is she beginning to look older lately?? And a lot more like my mom!!
Praise God for this beautiful smile! All I need to do is ask for a hug and kiss lately and it makes all the rest of the problems in life melt away...
Whoever thought to put paper on a roll is a genius! Thanks to IKEA, I stocked up and she gets to color as much as she wants on a nice big piece of paper...
Okay, on to the sad news. Up until this morning, we were all excited at the idea of "two more sleeps" without daddy until the dreaded phone call came this morning when he informed me that his business trip has been extended for another week. UGH. I admit, I am not handling it well, probably due to lack of sleep, being sick, and the emotional roller coaster of Juliana's mood swings lately. I didn't exactly react in the most supportive and positive manner. I am trying to just put my faith in God and trust that this happened for a reason, possibly one that we may not fully understand right away. I just miss my husband and I know that Juliana misses her daddy. She's been saying, "Come home daddy" a lot more this week and continues to ask for him every day, multiple times. I just keep reassuring her that daddy loves her very much and will be home soon. When I ask her where he is, she answers, "Far far away." Breaks my heart.

Fortunately, skype allows us to connect with him, so at least Juliana gets to see him and hear from him almost every night. I think it helps for her to see that he's okay and to hear from him how much he loves her and misses her. She talks to him about her days, sings and dances and simply blows him kisses and give him air hugs.

Please pray for us over the course of the next week and for a safe and quick return for Jacob next Friday.

Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. -1 Peter 5:7

God, we pray that you take care of our family (not just the three of us, but also our family back in the U.S.) throughout all of the changes in our lives and pray for the strength to overcome the obstacles we must face in our daily lives. With you, all things are possible.


JJroke said...

What a little artist! She's a strong little girl and daddy will be home soon. Hang in there

JJroke said...

Ok, yeah....daddy, daddy, get home fast for you girl and wife!

Melanie said...

Yes, I agree. HOME! And she is amazing at art :-)