Saturday, February 27, 2010

Date night at the Handle Bar

This was their menu! Not real female friendly, but it was amusing.
This restaurant was recommended by a friend since they are known for their western food.
Yes, this is their bathroom sink! All decked out with motorcycle mirrors, pictures, posters and much more. I wasn't allowed to take pictures inside, but I snuck this one in. I so wanted to get a picture of this amazing skateboard for my brother as well as all of the other Harley Davidson memorabilia.
Cheers to us...I love my man!
No, I am not double-fisting, just holding Jacob's too! Check out those beautiful bikes in the background. Believe me, they are so much more gorgeous up close.
So, the food was actually very good. I had an "American" burger and it was the best one I've had since moving to Singapore. The chili Jacob got was tasty too, but my stomach wouldn't allow more than a few bites.
After dinner, we enjoyed the rest of our dinner and relaxed. I LOVED this chair and so wish I could have one of my own!


Camille, Blake, Pierce and baby Asher said...

Fun times... glad to see you guys are having alot of date nights... you deserve it... and did you get to sit on the vibrating bike seat that they keep chained up to the bar... crazy...the owner has a severe case of OCD so people are constanly cleaning that place...

Anonymous said...

seems like you had a good time and the menu LOL!!!