Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Tanglin Tree

This morning, I met up with three other moms from MOPS and their kids at a place called The Tanglin Tree which is a restaurant that also has a tree house, sandpit, and lots of toys for children to play with.

From their website: Legend has it that the tanglin tree (also known as the saraca tree) used to grow abundantly around the Tanglin area. Some say that this tree gave the Tanglin area its name. Scour the area and chances are, you will not find a single tanglin tree of the botanical kind. But ironically, take a drive any day along Tanglin Road and you will see that the tandlin tree of a culinary kind, has taken root right right at the corner of Tanglin Road and Grange Road. Check out their website here.

This is the big yellow and purple tree house with the sandpit in front... Juliana and Elyse enjoyed the wobbly bridge a lot! One time, Elyse fell and Juliana put her hand out to help her cute! Elyse's turn on the swing...
Then Juliana's...
Checking out some binoculars, maybe for all the bird watching (and chasing) she likes to do now.
Both of them climbed up this rather quickly!!
Juliana's like, "I'm the Princess of the tree house!!"

Look at those cute faces peaking out...
Heading back down to the sand pit...After the kids were done eating, they went back to play while the adults finished our meals and talked. But when I saw this, I had to run over and catch it on camera. They were taking turns pushing each other on the swing!!
When Juliana was done pushing Elyse, she said, "All done" and blew her a kiss...
It was a great place to go and the food was good too. I also must say that the service, in my opinion, was excellent! We were the only ones there, so I'm sure that was part of it, but the staff played with the kids, kept an eye on them while we were eating and helped them up and down the stairs when needed. If you have kids, it's worth a visit!!


Grandma Schmidt said...

Hi, I am Jenn's mom
That looks like a great place kids and parents. It's cute to see Juliana and Elyse play together

Camille, Blake, Pierce and baby Asher said...

Got to go there... looks fun