Saturday, September 5, 2009

Daddy & Juliana's trip to the park!

Today was day 1 of my TESOL course...rough morning, but I made it and early at that! Nine more days to go....I hope! There are ten students all together and the teacher is really interesting and energetic. I am the only American in the class, so there's a good mixture of people from other cultures, including Australia, Vietnam, Japan and the UK. I like it, because while I'm learning the course's content, I also get to learn interesting facts about other countries, their cultures, dialects and customs. I can tell it's going to be a wonderful eye-opening experience!

So, while I was in class, Jacob and Juliana spent the part of the day at the Chinese Gardens. As soon as I saw the pictures, I was so jealous!! She looks like she had a blast and enjoyed her rare alone time with her daddy :-)

Here she is, all ready for the sunshine!
Trying to get a better view from this rock I guess?! Whatever it is, adorable.
Jacob said she was chasing the birds again and entertaining some of the other visitors at the park!
She has a mild obsession with sticks and leaves. Two at once!!
Stick in hand, checking out the water...
I love this picture, because she's touching the rock and has this awkward smile like, "Ew, I'm not really sure I like how this feels..." (but hey, camera is on her, and she knows how to pose!)
"I'm at the top of the world!" She is actually pretty high! As a dad, he was okay with it. As a mom, I don't know if I would have been. Better him that me, I guess.
Run Juliana, run!
Checking out some of the bigger fish...
I image this was one of those, "Look Daddy, did you see that?" kind of moments!
And just relaxing...
To prove she actually saw fish...
These trees are pretty cool and apparently, she agrees...
She looks mighty small in comparison to the great Confucius!
Ah, a close up, she's not so small now :-)
She likes those bridges! Apparently, she now calls this one the "Troll Bridge," just like the one in Dora the Explorer!! Obsessed much? Yup, but it makes her happy :-) and that's what matter most!
Checking out the smaller fish...Looks like they had a good day and I'm sad to have missed it. But nine more days and I'll have a certificate and a lot more time for Juliana once again!

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