Monday, September 14, 2009

Play play play

Juliana always gets so excited on the weekends to have us both home with her. She points to us, "Mommy" and "Daddy" over and over throughout the day to show her excitement at seeing us together with her at the same time!! Although we like to get out and do stuff on the weekends, it's also fun to just stay home, relax, enjoy the pool and the company. Sunday consisted of the Monkeydoos again...
One of her many adorable faces and such a cute outfit from my mom with the matching hair clip!
Priceless face!!
Deeply concentrating on the DVD as it came to an end...
Later on, we headed down to the play ground. Enjoying the monkey bars...
There were two little girls playing with a balloon and one of them let it go, so this is Juliana staring at it up in the sky as it floated away...More staring...
Then Jacob asked her where the sky was. Good answer :-)
It was a quiet weekend at home since we have two pretty busy weekends before our trip back to the States and then the last one that will probably consist mostly of packing. Enjoying the quiet time whenever we can!

1 comment:

Camille, Blake, Pierce and baby Asher said...

You get so many great pics with your little one.. i wish I had more of me and Pierce... keep them coming and so excited to see you tomorrow.