Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Gym Camp

Update on Juliana! She had Little Gym Camp this morning and Jean took her since I was otherwise occupied. It was her first time back to the Gym for a few months (she was last there at the beginning of June I believe) and I got word that she had a BLAST!

For the camps, there's always lots of kids, lots of fun and even a short break for a snack and an art activity. Jean told me that Juliana has so much fun with all of the other kids, and thoroughly enjoyed playing on all of the equipment. I think we'll be signing her up for Little Gym next term. Budding gymnast like her mommy? Maybe :-)

The foam stick...great toy! She looks like she's doing a karate move...Ball and stick, look out kids! I'm just going to assume this is Peak-a-boo, so cute... I know this picture is a little grainy, but look at the priceless smile! Loves those mats! Those are the marks for where to put your hands for a forward roll, which she is very good at now... Ah, her favorite piece of equipment, the bars. In fact, Jean said that she kept going back to the bars over and over again. I'm not surprised, since she tries to turn counter tops, the desk, the closet rod, the bookshelves and anything else she can into her own personal bar to hang from!
Lastly, I also just wanted to share this adorable picture that Jacob took yesterday. She's got her Dora necklace pushed up into her hair...instant headband!

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