Tuesday, September 22, 2009

MOPS & Moppets

Today was the first Mops and Moppets outing for the term and I wasn't expecting much of a turn out. Five moms came with their children to IMM to play in the water park and playground.

Juliana and Sophie had a blast chasing one another around the water park...Juliana's favorite part of the water park was working very well today, so she was happy to run back and forth through the water streams!
This is Miriam, Chris's precious little girl and she enjoyed the water too...
After everyone was all dried up, it was off to the dry playground for a little bit before lunch. The girls enjoyed spinning around. That's Elyse sitting while Sophie pushes and apparently, Juliana helps!
After play, it was time to eat, so we were off to McDonald's minus one mom who had to leave to pick up her older child from school.
Jenn and Elyse whom you all know well by now...
Karen and her son, Iain...
Jennifer and Levi...
Chris with her two girls, Miriam on the left and Sophie on the right...
It was an enjoyable morning with plenty of time for "adult conversation," especially while the kids were fueling up with their food. I'm hoping to see a lot more moms in the future!!

Thanks friends for a wonderful morning :-)

1 comment:

Camille, Blake, Pierce and baby Asher said...

Awesome... wish I could have been there...