Thursday, September 10, 2009

Putting on a show

This was taken this morning, while having some breakfast. Must have had a good night's sleep to be in such a great mood!!
This evening, Juliana wanted to talk to my mom and grandmother (Nana and Nanny), so I checked to see if they were up early, 6:30am their time and they were! So here she is, chatting away and entertaining them as always. She's wearing something she made with Jean on her head (straws tied together with string). Wasn't intended to be a hat, but she turned it into one of course and had to show it off nice and close for them...
Had to capture just how adorable she is with that thing on her head!!
Dancing for Nana and Nanny...
Check out her moves! Whenever we skype with Nana and Nanny, Juliana does anything and everything to entertain them and it usually involved some of the following...

This video is cute too, very short. She had just finished running in circles from "Ring Around The Rosie," and here was the result, exhaustion and a collapse...

After dinner, it was cuddle time to watch some Dora and relax before putting her to bed...

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