Tuesday, June 30, 2009

My birthday

Another year has passed and I celebrated my birthday in Singapore this year. My gift to myself was to sleep in a little, but it didn't work out too well. I did relax in bed, but my internal clock wouldn't allow for much sleep after Jacob left for work. I guess Juliana needed the rest though, because she didn't get up until about 8:45, which is very late for her.

I had a nice picture waiting for me created by Juliana and Jean and a wonderful card from Jean. It wasn't a very eventful day, but that's how I wanted it to be.

Jacob surprised me with gorgeous flowers and a yummy cake when he came home from work and we had a nice meal.

Juliana really liked the flowers and even got up close to smell them!!
I'm looking forward to what the next year is going to bring!

P.S. I shared this birthday with my father-in-law and have a few years of wonderful memories celebrating it with him. RIP Joe.


Camille, Blake, Pierce and baby Asher said...

Wow... your birthday I had no idea... sorry I missed it and hope that it was a good one... lets girls get together to celebrate your big day...what do you think?

Raihana Ab said...

Happy Birthday! May all what you wishes for come true.