Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Mangosteen: another try at local fruit

Commonly referred to as the "Queen of Fruits," the Mangosteen is typically described as deep reddish purple in color, with a sweet and tangy fragrance and a citrus flavor. So far, it's the only local, or "tropical" fruit that I have actually enjoyed!!
Here's what they look like once broken open...Wikipedia states, "It is believed to have cooling properties that counteract the heatiness of durians, the so-called King of fruits. The fact that the fruiting seasons of these two fruits coincide makes these titles particularly apt."

Maybe the fact that it's completely different than durian (which is awful in my opinion, both taste and smell) is why I enjoy it!

Now we have to see if we can get Juliana to try it!


Camille, Blake, Pierce and baby Asher said...

I too enjoy these...

Raihana Ab said...

Mangosteen, we love them too. Have you tried durians, buah duku and buah langsat?

Melanie said...

Durians, yes and I do not like them at all! But buah duku and buah langsat, nope...and now I will be on the lookout for them to try! I'm so awful when it comes to trying new things, so I always make my husband try first and wait for his reaction :-)