Saturday, June 13, 2009

Just another day in paradise

Hello everyone. Well, with an insanely busy week ahead of me, I wanted to take a moment to relax and write. I've had a lot on my mind and the best part of having a blog is that I get to share it with all the readers!!!

Juliana went to Gymboree with Jean yesterday for the Play & Learn class while I worked. Just wanted to share a few of the pictures Jean took.
There have been some big changes in our lives recently, some good (really niece or nephew coming at the end of the year!), some bad. But as I've said before, it always helps me to put things into perspective. I've realized how important it is for me to take care of myself, my husband and my daughter. Of course, I adore my family back home and my friends (both from the States and the new ones I've made out here), but our little family of three is priority #1. As things change in our lives and the lives of those surrounding us, we learn and grow from all of the obstacles God presents to us.

I can only speak for myself, but I am becoming more aware of who the "Real Me" is. I feel like I have wasted so much time trying to figure it out, mainly because I was constantly struggling to meet the expectations of others, being the "people pleaser." What a waste of time that was, because even if they chose to accept me, it wasn't real. Never mind the fact that trying to make people happy at any expense is a sad way of trying to bring them into my life. I got sick of wearing masks, trying to pretend to be someone that I'm not and made a choice to STOP.

I've found that being me is not only okay, but acceptable. My time here in Singapore has led to the beginning of some wonderful friendships, with woman who accept me as I am, flaws, mistakes and all. I find myself being open and honest about my life and my past, not worrying about what they'll think of me. The truth is, we all have "baggage" and we all have our own share of mistakes and it's unfair to judge someone based on those. I feel accepted by people I've know for such a short period of time and it's empowering! I look forward to getting to know them more, through play groups, MOPS and some guilt-free adult time!

As I look ahead at my week, it's nice to see how quickly it fills up with work, play dates, Juliana's classes and swim lessons. And in less than three weeks, I will have my mom, grandmother and cousin here! We have so many places to show them and so much to do with them in the short time that they're here.

Life is full of blessings...sometimes they're just disguised behind trials and tribulations, but there is always a silver lining.


Camille, Blake, Pierce and baby Asher said...

I hope that I am one of those friends and look forward to alot more memories where we can get to know each other more... you are a doll and you should be you, just you, bc its good... see you Monday.

Mummy Joanne said...

Hihi, would just like to check with you how's the classes at Gymboree. I have son who is about 15th mths and wondering whether is it suitable for him to join Gymboree.

Melanie said...

Hi Mummy Joanne! Juliana started gym classes at 14 months and has loved it from the first day! Gives her a chance to run around, climb, explore and be with other kids. Gymboree has trial classes (like they all do) so you can try it once so see if your son would like it. We signed Juliana up for the full package, which you have a year to use and includes music, gym, play & learn and art!