Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A busy day of learning and fun!

I love how much time we spend lately doing learning activities at home now...and she does seem to be getting smarter, if I do say so myself :-)

Here she is reading one of her favorite books, about letters, numbers, colors, shapes, and other common first words.
This is her "I'm so proud of myself" expression when I ask her to point out an object and she gets it cute! These are some new flash cards, with Dora of course...about all of the different things you would find outside. She can already name a lot of them, but we're working on the rest.
Then it was time for some fun with the Mrs. Goodbee doll house! I asked her to show me the little boy, so that's what is in her hand.
Oh, the excitement!!After all this, we went for a swim since it stopped raining and the sun was beginning to peak through the clouds. She actually ended up saying "all done" after about 20 minutes, got out of the pool and headed up the ramp. This is rare for our little fish!!! I'm guessing it was beginning to get a little chilly for her, so we spent a little more time in the play ground before heading back up to the apartment.

Later on, we played with her little baby and she is such a good "mommy!" After feeding her and burping her, Juliana decided some dancing and jumping was necessary!Since we are always putting lotion on Juliana, she was pretending to put lotion on her baby too. It was so cute...she rubbed the doll's hand together!!Then it was time to get the diaper bag packed since she wanted to take baby for a walk in the stroller. So adorable!!!What a wonderful day!

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