Thursday, June 18, 2009

So proud!!

Every new thing she does is such a big triumph!! I love it when she throws her hands up in the air and yells, "Tada!" As if I wasn't already in awe of her, she continues to amaze me. When I got back from work yesterday, she was still sleeping, but when she woke up and saw that I was home, she was very excited!! We spent some time at the playground and running around by the pool.

This is her, "Come on Mommy, hurry up" pose!She was on the sea horse, rocking back and forth, trying to impress another little girl who was on the dolphin.Okay, so I know she's been climbing up this chain ladder for a while now, but I still get nervous and hover around her. This time, she looked right at me and said, "OK mommy," so I took the hint and backed off!

Now that she has also learned how to climb up another part, she was doing it over and over again, saying "tada" with her arms up each and every time.

It's a matter of time before she tries those monkey bars, because she's always watching the other kids very closely to see how they're doing it!

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