Sunday, June 28, 2009

A day with Dora!

I have been looking forward to Dora's movie for a few weeks now, ever since I purchased the tickets to take Juliana. It was her first movie, "Dora Saves the Snow Princess" and we made such a big deal about it from the moment she woke up. She was pretty tired from her late night, but excited because once she came downstairs, we turned on Dora and she got to eat breakfast in front of the TV, which we never allow. I think she knew something was up and on our way to the theater, we kept asking her if she was excited to see Dora. It was adorable, because she kept saying "Dora" and "Boots."

Once we got to the theater and picked up the tickets, Jacob got some popcorn and drinks. Outside the movie theater was a big poster with a scene from the cartoon and a slide, so Juliana kept busy up until a few minutes before the movie started. We went in the theater to sit down and enjoy some snacks before the show. Juliana really enjoyed the popcorn!

At the end of the movie, when they all sang the "We did it" song, Juliana stood up in her seat and started dancing! She was so excited!!
On the way out, there was a photo opportunity with a real life Dora and Boots (well, Boots was fake, but Dora was real!). We didn't wait in the long line, but just stopped up front to let Juliana see them. She was saying "high five" with her hand in the air, waiting for Dora to respond and it was adorable. When we told her to say goodbye, she looked at Dora and said, "Bye bye, see you soon" with a sad look on her face.

The movie was cute and I was so happy to see how much Juliana enjoyed it.

1 comment:

Camille, Blake, Pierce and baby Asher said...

Were was the movie... I need to take Pierce I need the details please.