Sunday, April 11, 2010

Go fly a kite!

This morning, we headed to Marina Barrage with Sue Lynn and the girls for some kite flying. First, it was important to fill our tummies. Juliana got her first oreo from the girls. I think she'd make a good campaign!
It was really, really hot, but we managed to spend a bit of time up top. Here are the girls with their kite, before it got tangled...
This was Juliana's first experience with kite flying, so she had no idea what to do. She was more fascinated with tangling herself in the rope!! My mom, Jacob and Juliana in the background after getting some height!
Haha, my mom setting the kite free...
Lots of colors to fascinate her...
After many failed attempts at keeping the kite in the sky, it was time for Juliana to enjoy the water fountains... Awesome picture!! She kept putting her face really close to the holes when the water was off and then the water would coming flying out.
We had a great afternoon and stopped to eat some gelato on the way home. Juliana's exhausted, having skipped her nap, but it was well worth it!

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