Sunday, April 18, 2010

A Carnival at the Polo Club

Today's adventure was a carnival at the Singapore Polo Club that Jacob found out about in the paper. It wasn't huge, but we stayed for a couple hours and Juliana had fun. Started off with some "cotton floss" otherwise known as cotton candy to us Americans...
Then we got to see lots and lots of horses. I adore them, so it was nice to see Juliana enjoy feeding, patting and looking at them...
I was surprised she wasn't at all skittish around them and some of them were absolutely gorgeous! I promised her some riding lessons when she gets older (with me too!)... This was balloon number two! She was running around and dancing with it on the grass... Oh and a bouncy castle of course! At first, she kept saying no to going in, but then she saw how much fun the other kids were having and she got in...
Not so bad after all! Another great day and we got to see something new with my mom too!

1 comment:

Sandie said...

I love horses too but I cant imagine doing too much riding in Singapore....too hot!