Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Still our little fish

Juliana has adored the water since the first time we took her in my aunt and uncle's pool when she was an infant. We've done some swimming lessons, but stopped and I decided to teach her a little bit on my own instead. Now, she is dunking her head under the water! It took a while for her to get used to holding her breath, closing her eyes and then dunking, but she's becoming a pro. This is her proud face...
They had the water off since they had just finished cleaning the pool and that turned the hole into a new toy for her to look into...
It's amazing how fast she's grown. Just a year ago, she was barely over the top of the water in this pool, learning to balance on her own and now she's kicking, dunking her head under, blowing bubbles and learning to use her arms to swim!

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