Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Fake phone, real phone

After some dress up with nearly every outfit she has (OK, note here, she's outgrowing them! I guess I need to order Disney from back home to get shipped here, sigh as well as new pajamas and shorts...why is she growing so fast!??), putting on all her bracelets and necklaces, Juliana pulled out the "fake" cell phone from one of her purses (real, but dead, no battery) to call a food order in!! She asked for chicken nuggets and fries (maybe because we had that for lunch about three hours before?) and then I told her to tell them where to deliver it and she said, "Summerdale, okay? Bye bye!"Then we talked to daddy on the real phone and she told him all about her morning and the order she just placed for food...
I'm amazed at Juliana's growth lately, because she is catching on to everything so quickly. I've been putting together some more preschool activities to do at home with her since she's absorbing so much and thanks to some wonderful people back the the U.S., she has gotten lots of new DVDs (Veggies Tales, a new favorite, and some new Disney movies we didn't have) that help her develop her imagination and creativity. We really enjoy the Veggie Tales, because they also teach her about God, the bible and learning to love herself. The only bad part about getting these boxes and care packages is that she keeps waiting for more! Whenever the doorbell rings, she runs over and says, "Boxes for me?" It breaks my heart when it's just another delivery that isn't for her. Spoiled little girl!

I've already started the "U.S. wish list" in case we get visitors or for our next visit home, whenever that will be...July I hope. The wish list seems to be getting longer and longer! Thank you to those of you who have sent Juliana gifts for Christmas, New Year's and just for fun. I'll be posting pictures more and more of her playing with them. A new favorite is her vTech book from Uncle Jason, Aunt Niki and Sydney among all of the other toys she was spoiled with at Christmas. I have a feeling my mom and Nana will be loading up as they usually do when the sales come up and I can't thank them enough, because Juliana gets compliments on all her Disney and Gymboree clothes that you can't get in Singapore! It's amazing how fast Juliana is growing out of her clothes. I have to rotate her toys now too, because she gets bored with the same ones all the time. Then, a few weeks later, I'll rotate again and all those older toys are suddenly brand new again! This is especially important with the toys that have been sent from the U.S. and cannot be found in Singapore.

As for education, I still think she is a bit young to be attending a preschool, but that's just my opinion, so I am trying to get together materials for home that we can work on together in the mornings. She's also still in Little Gym and we're trying out new music and art programs later this month to see what will work best for her.

On another note, I am continuing to pursue employment positions and have had some good feedback with my applications. Just asking for you to all keep my in your prayers that God will lead me to where I need to be and where I will be most effective at giving back to the community. Patience is key and I know that he will answer in time, when the position is just right.

I want to end by saying that we love you you all and can't wait to see all my friends again soon, those here and those back in the U.S. Family, well you know we all miss you all like crazy! I wish it wasn't so long and expensive to get out here to see us. But hey, if you come across some lottery winnings or something, feel free to pop in or just send some care packages :-)

God bless everyone! We love you all and miss our friends and family back in the U.S. all the time. You are all always on our minds. I hope the blog at least keeps you up to date on our lives here in Singapore.

Lots of love, XOXO

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