Saturday, January 16, 2010

All or nothing

Okay, I admit it, I am overwhelmed! I can't seem to just take one thing at a time. It's all or nothing lately, so now I have committed to numerous things besides the role of wife, mom, and part time ESL teacher. MOPS is amazing and I plan to continue to attend and devote my time to help out as a DGL (discussion group leader in case you were wondering) and coordinator for outings for as long as I can. I am going to be working a lot more with a new job that I will get into at a later time and I'm writing more. Also, Juliana is getting older and aside from her enrichment classes, I'm working on preschool activities at home and as if that weren't enough, I've added a few more things to my plate recently. Phew! I also need to fit bible study in there somewhere and all of my professional trainings. Can I do it? We shall see!! But I would like to think that it's going to work out and I just keep praying for God to lead me and enable me to fulfill my duties. I prayed long and hard and when the time came to make decisions, I felt like he was leading me. I just hope that I can keep up with it all! Adjustments will just have to be made as I go and learn what works and what doesn't.

My main concern though is Juliana. I have never really been a "working mom" and it makes me anxious that I will be leaving her more often. I know she is in good hands, but I can't help but worry about it. I think my separation anxiety is now worse than hers! Fortunately, it's not a full time job and I will still have time for some of her classes and lots of time in the afternoons for swimming, playing, etc. But I guess for those of you working moms out there, if you have any advice, please share! I've gotten some great advice and support already, but there's no such thing as too much.

Will keep you updated about the job as it unfolds a bit more!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its good you are trying new things and its alot but take it one day at a time and figure out whats best for you. If it doesnt work out just stick with the things you love the most. I know you like to be busy its good but too much can be bad too so just take it easy and see what you can handle but dont push it try to stick with a happy medium hard but thats better than all or nothing.