Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Distance makes the heart grow fonder

Ah, care packages! Since moving, I look forward to bits and pieces from home. The last time I received care packages was when I was in college, so it makes me feel special when the delivery man stops by. My mom and grandmother have sent several and each time another one shows up, I get all excited like a little kid at Christmas. Even Juliana recognizes the box and waits for me to open it up to see what's for her! Today, two boxes arrived, yay!

Juliana got news books, some of the pool stuff I had ordered from a U.S. company and extra furniture and characters for her Mrs. Goodbee doll house. Here she is kissing the daddy...And talking to the mommy...
I was surprised she enjoyed her goggles so much too. I put them on and she ran around the apartment in them...
It's amazing what some distance can do for you. It doesn't just make the heart grow fonder for friends and family, but it helps put things in perspective. I learn more every day about the type of people and things that I want to surround myself with. I am blessed with a wonderful family, supportive friends, both from back home and new ones I've made out here, and the opportunity for self-growth.


Jenn said...

Did you just add "Mouth" to your play list since we heard it at McD's? It still takes me back...

Melanie said...

Yes I did! It was stuck in my head ever since we heard it at IMM, so i had to download it!!