Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Rambutan fruit

The Rambutan fruit is one of the most common fruits in Southeast Asia, but to anyone else around the world, it's considered exotic. They're small, about 2"-3" and easy to eat. Once you remove the rind, you eat the fruit around the seed.

Jacob & I tried it last night...not much taste really and I'm a big texture person and it was just too weird for me (chewy, a bit tough). I tried to see if Juliana would like it, but she spit it right out without even trying to chew.

Well, this is what they look like:

I'm making any attempts to get Juliana to try new foods, since she has been very picky lately. She barely eats any fruits or vegetables, so I'm trying to come up with creative ways of getting her to try new things. She's too smart for me though and will either refuse the bite I'm trying to offer or take it and then spit out what she doesn't want from it and then swallow the rest. Some things have been successful, like fried rice (made with all kinds of vegetables cut up into tiny pieces) and noodles with some veggies buried in. I'm hoping she'll outgrow this phase and be willing to try more, especially fruits since she won't eat any right now except for the ones in her yogurt!


lala00 said...

Ben loves to play with these because there is a tree down the street that grows them. We always laugh because how many 2-year olds can say "rambutan"? Matt and I love them...maybe Juliana will come around one day :)

Camille, Blake, Pierce and baby Asher said...

What is it with kids and asian food... pierce too loves fried rice and bee hoon

Raihana Ab said...


We love rambutans.