Saturday, May 23, 2009

Our little "Jewel"

I love that I can finally put her hair into pigtails, but they never last too long. She's always trying to pull out the elastics to play with :-) Anything on the floor is fair game for her, so when I dropped this little piece of paper, she enjoyed sticking it on her nose. She was all sweaty from running around, so it stuck pretty well!
Her newest toy, a wooden shape sorting caterpillar, keeps her pretty busy. She likes to stack the blocks to see how high she can get them before they fall over.

This morning, she was playing with her dolls from the Mrs. Goodbee house and she had the mommy and daddy was adorable!


Raihana Ab said...

Juliana is so adorable.

Camille, Blake, Pierce and baby Asher said...

So cute and your love for her is sweet.