These are some pictures from the rest of my mom's visit, which flew by of course. I wish I could have just kept her here! But hey, we got to ring in 2009 at Clark Quay after a visit to Marina Bay. We sat by the water, watched the fireworks and rang in the New Year before 3/4 of the world!
Collage below: The top left is Clark Quay where we thoroughly enjoyed many meals with both my mom and then her, my cousin and Nana when they visited in July last year. Brewertz: good food, good beer, good prices! And Juliana loves the fountains there.
Anyway, back to my mom's visits...we went all out for Christmas Eve last year, knowing my mom was here and we booked a Christmas Eve Buffet at Orchard Hotel (a big to-do around here). Her visit was so enjoyable, to show her where our new "home" was, the place we live in, she got to meet Jean and see lots of sights in the city. These are some of my favorite pictures from the the end of 2008, prior to my mom getting in. We visited the Bird Park (Juliana LOVES this place) and other local sites. I look forward to showing her all these amazing photos when she's older!
So, this post was poorly planned, but oh well. Out of order! Back to my mom's visit. We took her to Sentosa and had a blast! My mom fell in the water, but didn't care since it was with Juliana and with the heat out here, you dry in no time! I love this picture of the three of us...
Well, Singapore has certainly been a learning experience for us and our first few weeks here were a HUGE wake up call as to how Americans live their lives. Yes, culture shock, but also a new awareness as to how very lucky we are as Americans, for the freedoms we have. It also helped us learn about a new way of life that is accepting of all cultures, all religions, all beliefs, etc. A tiny city that just accepts people for who they already are. There isn't such a pressure to "keep up with the Jonses," because for the most part (expats aside), locals are focused on just getting food on their plates, having fun without spending tons of money, enjoying the local entertainment, the kopitiams, etc.
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