Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Flashback to 2007

I've been looking at old pictures a lot lately, going through old poems and decided to do some flashbacks.

This was me at 7.5 months old at the shower that my mom and Nana threw for me... My mom went all out, making the laundry line of clothes, a diaper cake and a bassinet filled with lots of goodies for our unborn little girl. I have an amazing family and my mother is my best friend. She has been by my side each and every step of the way, good times and bad, never judging, just loving and supporting me. I miss them so much every day. And I can't leave out the rest of my amazing family, who helped us out so much when Juliana came along, through meals, gifts and just simply providing advise and support. But yes, my to person (aside from hubby) is my mom. She's a remarkable and strong person who has provided me with the image of the kind of mother I want to be.

Next is a collage of the first few days with our new bundle of joy. The top left was in the hospital. Bottom right was bath #3 I think? We jokingly sent it to Jacob's brother and his wife who were on an expat assignment in Den Haag with the caption, "Moses says to come home!" Bottom middle, she was about a month old for her first Thanksgiving!
This is one of my favorite pictures. I had to zoom in on the cute little girl, sorry Jacob! I miss those days of her falling asleep on our chests while we lied down. She looks so peaceful...
This collage features her Christmas picture, her baptism pictures to the right and then in the middle, Super bowl pride, even though it was a HUGE upset that year after a perfect season and then the PATS go and throw it all away. Anyway, she's a doll!
I must have several thousand pictures from the day she was born and it's hard to pick my favorites, so 2008 may take a little longer. Stay tuned!

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