Wednesday, March 24, 2010

And so it goes

I admit, it's been a bit dull around here lately. Most of last week, I spent inside with my leg up, trying to heal the damage from the accident with the glass door. It's still sore and sometimes painful, but there is an improvement in all of the other cuts up and down my leg. I had a good family weekend, but was exhausted and sore, so I took it easy the beginning of this week. Just enjoyed time with Juliana and got some writing done.

She's full of fun lately, although she is pushing all of her limits too, seeing just how far she can get. We've been better with handling this though and much more patience, I think, and she's responsive for the most part. I can't expect more, considering she's nearly two and a half and it's all typical for her age. She still makes me so happy though.

Yesterday, to impress her Nana and Nanny on skype, she got all her bracelets on and her sunglasses. She was styling!
Then, after our chat with them, we played and she lounged on the couch...
I'm amazed at the things that come out of her mouth, mainly because I don't know where she learns half of it. It's remarkable how much she retains. Her newest thing is her love for dolphins and we're not quite sure what started this, but it's always, "I like dolphins" our of the blue! Hmmmm, guess we'll see what we can do with that!
Out the other day, posing like a model again... Even though it's been a bit dull, I finally get my stitches out in two days, but I'm a bit concerned about how it's going to look and the swelling in my knee. Guess I'll find out on Friday. Then, with only one week to go from there, my mom will be here!! I am so looking forward to her company, conversation and just being with us for nearly four weeks. Juliana is going to have a blast and I may be a grown up, but I fully admit that I miss my mom!! I can't wait to have her here. I'll be able to go in the pool in a couple weeks hopefully and we can take Juliana out to the parks and just have lots of time to bond. It's definitely not coming fast enough and we'll have company for Easter this year, which is nice. Restaurant has already been chosen.

Not much else to report. The blog is still a passion for me, so I like to keep everyone updated, but no BIG news on our front. Who knows though! For now, it's just day by day and seeing what God has in store for us :-)

1 comment:

Camille, Blake, Pierce and baby Asher said...

Love the pics... and GOd has big things in store for you and your family sweet Mel.