Wednesday, March 3, 2010

March, 2010 already? Wow! What's in store?

Whew! After all that reminiscing, I'm amazed at just how much has happened in such a short period of time. We've now been in Singapore for 16 months and who knows what's in store for 2010? We have so much more learning to do, about ourselves and the world around us.

I find myself having a new appreciation for something I (being blunt) may have laughed at back in Windham, NH.

I'm beginning to be okay with the fact that some people just may not like me for who I am and that's okay. I'm not going to change for them anymore, like I used to.

I'm learning about the time I spend with my daughter...yes, quantity is important, but quality beats that anytime.

I've learned that it's okay to voice my opinion, but it's not okay to force it onto other people. Just put it out there and maybe it will touch someone. If not, oh well. Made me a better, stronger person for sharing a part of myself.

Life is amazing. God has so much in store for us. So many possibilities and those that choose to be a part of our life are lucky and we are lucky that they care so much about us as well. It's become more and more clear who "those people" are after our move out here. You know what I mean, the people who love you no matter how many miles or hours separate you. No matter what happens, bad or good, they still stand by you, lovingly and supportively. It's rare, but when you find it, you hold on tight.

I could go on and on about all the life lessons I'm facing, have faced and hope to face, but I'll just go with it as time goes by. My blog began as a simple "yearbook" of our ife, but it's become a form of self-expression too about how life can change at any moment.

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