Sunday, May 31, 2009
Our silly little girl
Saturday, May 30, 2009
SAFRA in Jurong is now open
The monkeys (which are the mascots for SAFRA) came out as we were about to leave and Juliana got very excited! She was doing the monkey noises and wanted to meet them. I couldn't catch her face in this picture, but she was smiling and it was adorable!
We are looking forward to taking advantage of this facility that is so close to our place!! It also has a preschool facility, gym, enrichment classes, restaurants, a karaoke room and a few other facilities.Then and Now
Then: I could leave the house with my purse, one bag filled with my phone, wallet and a couple of personal items
Now: I leave the house with a stroller, a massive bag filled with snacks, drinks, diapers, wipes, toys, changing pad, etc. as well as an energetic toddler!
Then: I could walk through the kids department without stopping once to look around
Now: It's the first place I stop and I have a hard time leaving without purchasing something
Then: My vocabulary was normal, sometimes even sophisticated
Now: It consists of words like yuck, poop, pee-pee, sleepies, tootsies and many others I won't bother to embarrass myself with
Then: I could go to sleep late and get up late
Now: I can barely make it past 10pm and sleeping in no longer exists
Then: Grocery shopping was easy and quick
Now: It takes twice as long and I have to maneuver around the aisles in such a way to make sure Juliana doesn't pull everything off the shelves
Then: Going out to eat was a relaxing experience and choice of restaurants depended on what food we were in the mood for
Now: Going out to eat is a chore and we have to be sure the restaurant is kid-friendly and that we time it just right so we don't miss nap times, never mind the fact that I can't seem to eat my meal until it's already cold
Then: The only "parenting" articles I looked at happened to be in one of my fitness magazines
Now: My bookshelf is loaded with parenting books, I subscribe to parenting magazines and about 80% of my saved websites are parenting pages or blogs
Then: I could expect about the same thing most days
Now: There is so consistency from day to day and I never know what to expect!
Then: It was all about me
Now: It's all about Juliana
.....and even though there are so many changes in becoming a mom, it's been the most amazing and rewarding experience! Finding time for me or for Jacob & I is a challenge, but it's certainly worth it. The best memories I have over the last year and a half always include my precious little girl. She's helped me grow into a better person and I enjoy seeing the world through her eyes. I may have had a little more freedom before becoming a mom, but now I feel blessed in ways I could never have imagined and I am one of the two most important people in her life.
Friday, May 29, 2009
She's on the run
Sleeping beauty
Hi, my name is Dora!
Still thinking she's small enough to fit into this mesh container...And the other one is her hat...Although we aren't really potty training her just yet, Juliana is definitely getting used to the idea. She goes over to it all the time to sit and read! Sometimes we're quick enough to get the diaper off, but at least she's starting to get the concept.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Fun day at home
Then some drawing...
All of the fun moved to the floor. I love it when she lies down on her stomach and concentrates so hard on what she's drawing!
After hanging out on the terrace, Juliana was covered in sand and water from her play table, so we had to do a quick bath. She hates the feel of the sand when it's stuck to her! I also had to vacuum up the traces of sand throughout the apartment and she decided to help out...
It must have been the fact that we were stuck at home for the day, but Juliana had A LOT of extra energy. As soon as Jacob walked in the door, she was all excited to play with him. He poured out her balls over her head, which she found hilarious!
Thankfully, we are fully equipped here at the apartment with enough toys and activities to get through a day, but it's so much nicer to get out!
Monday, May 25, 2009
It's Show Day
This was after she did her forward roll down the mat and right before getting up to do a back handspring over the hot dog mat...
Ball time! Today, the instructor sang "Ring around the Rosie" while they sat (or in Juliana's case, bounced) on the balls and then fell off at the end. It was cute, all of the kids were giggling.
I am growth.
Both of body and of spirit.
I am helping hands that boost
Arms that hug
Smiles that guide.
I am different.
I am confidence.
A straighter spine and wider eyes.
I’m a teacher raising tiny hopes.
I’m a spirit on tiptoes, reaching.
I am different.
I am connection.
Between mother and child and future.
I am bonds formed over floor mats,
Friendships forged in happy song.
I am different.
I am playful.
I am so much more than play.
I roll, I toddle, I jump, I run.
I try. I try again.
I stretch the definition of fin
And strengthen healthy habits;
I open my doors to giggling lives,
I both feed off and field their potential.
I will leave a child energized.
I will leave a parent breathless.
I will bring a lifetime of chances to say
“Look what I can do!”
I am different.
I am magical.
I am The Little Gym.
I’m busy creating winners at life.
Come and grow with me.
Missing home
- My family
- The luxury of having a car
- Drive through windows, but of course that's only useful with a car!
- Food, especially the restaurants back home. To name just a few: Panera, T-Bones, La Caretta, The Common Man, Pizzico, Longhorn, The Phonecian, Dunkin Donuts, The 99 and so many more
- Grocery shopping where I can fill up the entire cart for a week or two and not have to return for something every couple of days
- So many different shopping places like Target, Barnes & Noble, Macy's, BJs, The Paper Store, Staples, Toys 'R Us (yes, they have it here, but it's just not the same) and so on and so forth
- The privacy of a house, even though I definitely don't miss all of the work involved in having to maintain a house
There are other things I miss that I'm forgetting to mention, but then I stop and think about how lucky we are to be here in Singapore, experiencing an entirely new culture. I go through phases, because I don't always miss New Hampshire, just the people from there that I love and the conveniences of an American lifestyle. There are so many things that the US didn't offer us though, so I am grateful every day for this chance and hope that it lasts for a while. We've met so many amazing people, I've had a chance to start work in a new field and I will be helping out with MOPS for the coming term. Juliana has grown so much, experienced all kinds of different enrichment classes, visited numerous sights, made some great friends and been exposed to things she simply wouldn't have been back in the States. More importantly, this opportunity is HUGE for Jacob's career and I am amazed at how much he has grown in such a short time. He's an impressive man and I just hope that the company he works for can see that too!
Well, now that I have gotten all of that off my chest, I feel much better having reminded myself of all the wonderful benefits of being here in Singapore. I do miss all my friends and family from home to you all!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Our little "Jewel"
This morning, she was playing with her dolls from the Mrs. Goodbee house and she had the mommy and daddy was adorable!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Swim time & mini blogger
They did some "zoom zoom," otherwise knows as lying on her tummy and learning to move her arms and legs. Juliana is getting pretty good at kicking, but she still isn't used to lying on her back or tummy for longer periods of time. Next week, it looks like they'll be heading into the big pool to practice more.
After swimming, I was getting ready to post and Juliana decided she wanted to blog for me instead!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Rambutan fruit
Jacob & I tried it last night...not much taste really and I'm a big texture person and it was just too weird for me (chewy, a bit tough). I tried to see if Juliana would like it, but she spit it right out without even trying to chew.
Well, this is what they look like:
I'm making any attempts to get Juliana to try new foods, since she has been very picky lately. She barely eats any fruits or vegetables, so I'm trying to come up with creative ways of getting her to try new things. She's too smart for me though and will either refuse the bite I'm trying to offer or take it and then spit out what she doesn't want from it and then swallow the rest. Some things have been successful, like fried rice (made with all kinds of vegetables cut up into tiny pieces) and noodles with some veggies buried in. I'm hoping she'll outgrow this phase and be willing to try more, especially fruits since she won't eat any right now except for the ones in her yogurt!