Saturday, November 22, 2008

Juliana's first steps!

Well, this one needed it's own post of course!!
Yes, she has tried off and on in the past, but she officially took her first steps yesterday. She had managed one or two, but they were mo9re like lunges, so they didn't count. But last night, while Jacob and I were playing with her, she took four full steps before sitting down. It was so amazing!! Then of course, we encouraged her to keep trying and she did. A few more steps here and there and then she took about 9 or 10 this morning! Even the families back home got to see via web cam. She's remarkable!

Juliana is also playing catch with us now. Actually, Jean got her going on it yesterday afternoon and now she loves playing catch with her little Winnie-the-Pooh ball. She was showing off those skills this morning too with Nana, Great Nana and Jessica! She's so proud of herself whens he does something new and I love seeing the look of satisfaction on her face when we applaud her. And what a chatterbox she is turning into...she has been talking so much the last several days, I just wish I could understand what she's trying to say to us.

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