Saturday, November 15, 2008

Bugis Junction

Phew, we're exhausted!! Started our day with with a trip to Holland Village and were very disappointed. This area is built up in all of the tourist books and websites as a "must see" area of Singapore...not so great. Basically, the majority of the area is restaurants, cafes and food courts, with a few shops mixed in. Definitely the place to go for a night out, since there are lots of bars with happy hour, but not necessarily a real family friendly area. After our short visit, we decided to get back on the MRT and head to Bugis Junction.
To refuel, we stopped for a bite to eat at Hip Diner USA by Billy Bombers, mainly because of the name and the fact that I saw how nicely the place was decorated in red, white and blue (the flag was on the ceiling)! The waiter was very enthusiastic about serving actual Americans too, making it a point to show us all of the different burgers on the menu and how they came with "real french fries" (because of course, that's all we Americans eat, right?).

Jacob got a cheeseburger with cheese fries and I got a grilled chicken burger and Juliana ate my fries. Of course I took pictures, because it just looked so good after seeing all of the Chinese, Malay, Japanese, Indian, etc. food all around us.

On the way out, I had to make a stop at the lovely cutout of the newly elected president. I think my political views are rather obvious! The people of Singapore seem to be very supportive of Obama (unfortunately), but I'm not too sure that most of them even understand why. In my opinion, most people are simply obsessed with the idea of a major change in the political structure of the US government and less interested in exactly how he will be making those changes. There are always complaints about the US getting involved in the problems of other countries, but that is still what matters most to the rest of the world. So, as a result, the general consensus in our area seems to be lots of support for Obama and high hopes for the changes he intends to make in the upcoming years. UGH.

(PS: there was also a McCain cut out off to the side, so I guess they were prepared for either outcome!)

Anyway, now that I'm done blabbering about politics, I can get on with the rest of our day. After our late lunch, we decided to walk around Bugis Junction, which is know for being Singapore's first glass-covered, air-conditioned shopping area. It kind of reminded me of Fannuel Hall in Boston, with all of the little shopping carts lined up down the street. The picture to the left shows a view of the glass roof housing all of the retail stores, shop houses, and even a movie theater. All of the merchandise being sold at the carts were unique, such as handmade bags and totes, wooden toys, embroidered pillow cases, hand painted hair accessories, and so much more. We ended up getting Juliana a small musical instrument with bells to shake around and make more noise!!

Towards the center of the shopping area was a water fountain, which I knew Juliana would enjoy. There happened to be a little Chinese girl playing in the water as well (and completely soaked) who was entranced with Juliana. She kept wanting to bring her into the water with her and hold her hands. It was adorable!

Once we headed back to the apartment, Juliana was tired from all of the excitement and heat, so she got her bath and went to bed. Jacob and I decided to enjoy the evening out on the terrace since it wasn't nearly as hot as usual. I think we're beginning to feel more settled in our new place and getting used to all of the changes in our daily lives. We do look forward to our maid starting this week in order to gain a little couple time again! I think what I like the most is the fact that our family time is a lot more meaningful, especially since there's less of it now. Jacob works long hours, so by the time he gets home at the end of the day, Juliana is about ready for bed. Weekends allow us to spend time together, go sight seeing and reflect on our experiences. I know that in time, this opportunity will help us grow both as a couple and a family.


Oswald Chong said...

Hi, sorry to "intrude" into your blog. I'm a Singaporean working in the US (opposite of what you're doing), and I live in Kansas, as you know, a Republican stronghold, but in a liberal city, Lawrence, KS.

I do understand your point about the global Obama craze, after living here for many years. Asians should like Republicans more than Democrats (mostly for its open-market policies), on the other hand, if Bush didn't invade Iraq or at least plan for the Iraq war properly, the image of America will not suffer so much damage, and there may never be an Obama craze.

People who live in Singapore will never understand what's really going on here in the USA, and it's just like an American will never understand what's going on over there in Singapore.

I'm so glad that you're keeping it open. I'm so glad to have a nice colleague to discuss about politics everyday. In fact, I find myself more Libertarian than Democrats or Republicans. Anyway, enjoy your time in Singapore, just like myself, who's enjoying my time here in the heartland.

Melanie said...

Thank you for your input! I enjoy the "intrusions." First off, I'm jealous that you're over there in the U.S., been missing home a lot lately!!

I fully agree that Singapore will never understand, nor do I think a lot of Americans even understand what is going on with our politics. I voted for Bush, but that doesn't mean I agree with all of his choices. I do believe his intention was good and that our "help" in Iraq has produced some positive changes. Unfortunately, the media fails to show all of the good along with the bad.

I may not be supportive of Obama, but I am hoping he proves me wrong for the good of the US. We shall see!

By the way, I tried to view your blog and I couldn't! And how are you enjoying good 'ol US of A?

Oswald Chong said...

Hi Melanie,

My wife wants our blog to be "locked", because I have a tendency to write like a Singaporean.... (you should know what I mean)... I've just invited you, enjoy my blog.

I'm enjoying my time here in the USA, of course! I don't really miss Singapore that much (been here for 8 years), but my wife misses Sg A LOT! Maybe she had a better childhood. People here are really nice (my first stop was in Texas).

When America sneezes, the world will catch a cold.... but I think Obama will do well as a President, though it may not be in the direction many people wish. It's just the way Singaporeans look at Lee Hsien Loong.... I don't agree with him, but what can I say when he's the only choice Singapore can have?

Enjoy your time in Singapore, if you need anything, I'll be glad to help! If you want to escape from human beings, maybe you can take a short trip to Cameron Highlands in Malaysia (and you'll enjoy the cool weather and mountainside).
