Thursday, October 30, 2008

Gotta love IKEA!

Before moving here, I did research on their shopping, because of course, it seems to be what locals enjoy most when they have a day off!!! I was very excited to discover that Singapore had many of the same stores that we did back in New England. Toys 'R Us was very important and of course, we should have stock in the company by now. And then there's IKEA...

Back in the States, I only had one IKEA experience. I wasn't all that impressed or amazed, but they have some nice stuff and reasonable prices. Well, I moved halfway around the globe and now I think it's the most amazing store ever created!!!! Everything is so expensive out here and I could go on and on with examples, but I'll leave you with just one for now. OK, so I walked into one of their department stores out here to check out some wine glasses...those who know us understand how very important this simple item is!!! Back home, to purchase some nice wine glasses would cost about $50 for a set of four. Out here, a similar glass goes for about S$29.00 a piece! That rounds out to about $80 in U.S. currency, which is absolutely absurd! So this is what has led to my excitement about IKEA...

You don't have to be rich to be clever - IKEA's slogan

This statement is so true! I've been in Singapore for two weeks and have made two trips to IKEA with plans for many more. Jacob and I plan on filling our new apartment with IKEA plates, cups, bowls, mugs, sheets, pillows, and so on and so forth. I even gave in and purchased their S$25.00 high chair that seems to be in every restaurant and mall on this island. Juliana also seems to enjoy the small pink plastic stool I purchased as well. So simply, so cheap and yet it could keep her busy for hours!

This post is so silly, but these are the things that go through my head while I'm up in the middle of the night, pondering our next moves :-)

1 comment:

Pam said...

Welcome to Sing! Let me know if you need help, I've been here a year. Our whole house is pretty much from Ikea! =)

have a great day!