Saturday, October 18, 2008

We made it!

Well, we made it to Singapore safe and sound!! I wasn't too sure it was ever going to happen after that long and exhausting flight. It's bad enough traveling half way around the globe, but bringing along an eleven and a half month old with you...? Not easy! But Juliana did well considering it was her first time traveling.

When we boarded the plane in New York for Frankfurt, I must admit that I was quite impressed. Now, I may not be a seasoned traveler, but I've had my share of flights with different airlines and Singapore Air was pretty nice! The flight attendants wear fancy little outfits and escort you to your seats! It also helps to have a cute little girl with you of course and the extra attention doesn't hurt when it comes to thirst and hunger later on.

So, after over 26 hours of travel time, we arrived in Singapore this morning (Thursday night for all our friends and family). I was anxious to get to our temporary housing, settle in and take a shower. The taxi ride was a bit scary, because I completely forgot that they drive on the other side of the road. Culture Shock doesn't even begin to explain the experience either. I was already feeling out of place at the airport in Germany, but that got a lot worse once we started to explore our new surroundings. Of course, we knew we were in for many changes, but no amount of reading about the culture can truly prepare you for it. I'm not used to living without the convenience of a car and that alone is hard to get used to. Taxis, buses and the MRT will be our sources of transportation while we're living here, making errands and going out a lot more difficult.

One of our first things to take care of was buying a bed, stroller and high chair for Juliana and it was an enormous chore! Right away, I missed the stores back home, because the staff is so much more helpful and knowledgeable about their products. Then we had to carry all of our purchases down three flights of stairs and hail a taxi to get back to the apartment. It's going to take a lot of getting used to!!! I'm sure there will be a lot of tough days ahead with some excitement mixed in and for those of you who know me well, a lot of anxiety! But it's all about the new experiences and how much this will change our lives for the better.

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