Monday, October 27, 2008

Some success in Chinatown!

So, we ventured out to Chinatown by MRT this time and the experience was much better than the last time in regards to shopping and the atmosphere. Our biggest issue with visiting that area though is the food...for some reason, neither one of us can stand the smell of all that Chinese food in one place (such as the food courts in the malls). During our last visit to Chinatown, we were turned off by the food we had ordered.

After some shopping, we began the search for a place to eat lunch. What a project that was! We walked up and down the street and nothing looked appealing, then we walked in and quickly out of the food court in the mall. We decided to head back to where the MRT station was, since we knew there was a Subway and McDonald's there. Now these may not be things I would normally eat at home, but here it's a different story. We ended up settling on a place called Swensen's since the menu had some normal looking food. This picture is of Juliana getting excited at the idea of normal food while looking at the menu!! She had a ham & cheese omelet with fries and corn. Jacob's pasta dish looked a lot more tasty in the picture, but with a soup and salad, I couldn't go wrong.

Dessert was another story....lots of ice cream and chocolate fondue. Jacob and Juliana enjoyed a vanilla cone coated with chocolate and crushed nuts.
We do plan on venturing back to Chinatown to do some more shopping in the future. There were tons of antique stores and plenty of ivory decorations as well, but. We're looking forward to finding some unique decorations for our apartment out here! And yes, Jacob is already searching for chess fact, he found a gorgeous ivory one, but the price was a bit beyond out budget. It was S$6,000.00, which is about $4,500.00 in U.S. currency. Yeah, maybe once he hits the big bucks at work!!!

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