Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Riding her horse

Juliana received this horse from our landlords a few weeks back and has slowly been warming up to him. At first, she was afraid to go anywhere near it. Then she started to walk over and give him a little pat on the head, saying horse. After a few days of this, she started giving him kisses and playing with his mane. Finally, she is very comfortable with the horse and has been riding him around the apartment for the last several days. She even makes the noises to go along with it, "Ba da dum, ba da dum, ba da dum dum dum..."
And here she is trying to hug her Backyardigans all at once that she got from Nana and Great Nana. Pablo has been her favorite, but she adores all of them and we enjoy singing and dancing along to the DVDs on those rainy days!!

1 comment:

Camille, Blake, Pierce and baby Asher said...

So cute and what a nice landlord... wow.