Saturday, April 18, 2009

A great day of firsts!

After a short interview this morning for myself...not the right fit due to extensive hours and travel, I returned home to my cutie little girl who was in a very good mood. Jacob had taken her for a swim and they were relaxing when I got back. After lunch and a nap, we decided to stay in rather than our initial plans to head out for the afternoon. It was very HOT today with 100% humidity, so going for a walk or trip to the park didn't seem so appealing anymore. Turned out that an afternoon at home was the best thing we could have done!

As I wrote before, I purchased Juliana's first potty not too long ago. We've been sitting her there to read some books and now she goes to sit there on her own to read as well. We also have a DVD called, "Go Potty Go!" that she adores and seems to be helping her catch on to some of the potty training. Today, we played the video, pulled out the potty and let her sit there for a bit. She was relaxing, watching the DVD and after a little bit, got up and turned around. She had peed in the potty and was obviously looking forward to showing it to us!! Yes, we made a BIG deal about it, praised her and even brought her to the toilet to flush it down and wash her hands. She was smiling the whole time and it was amazing to watch. Only the very first baby step in the whole potty training process, but it just gives us one more reason to see how amazing she truly is.
After all of the commotion over the potty, we decided to try some finger painting with pudding I had made this morning...a little tip I learned from a friend to avoid her trying to put the actual finger paints in her mouth. It took a couple of minutes to warm her up to the idea, but once she was into it, the mess began! I was smart enough to remove her shirt and thank God that I did. The pudding was all over her face, arms, hands and some even made it to the paper. She actually enjoyed the taste of it too and tried feeding us some!
The final product...
After came the big clean up in the tub and her cute little face peaking down for where daddy's voice was coming from...
And just to share a few pictures from yet another trip to the water playground from the other day. Juliana seemed to enjoy it even more this time!


Camille, Blake, Pierce and baby Asher said...

Congrats on the potty... and what a fun day inside... yes it was very hot.

Mrsktalbot said...

Mel, Don't put the picture of the potty next the the picture of her drawing with brown ! HAHA Hope she is feeling better!