Thursday, April 23, 2009

Mommy Merit Badges

I just read a great article from Parents magazine called, "Mommy Merit Badges" and it made me want to give a set to every single mom that I know!! I feel like I'm trying to run around and be SUPERMOM most of the time and I know all mothers out there know exactly how I feel. You try to find the perfect balance in your every day life so that you give attention to your kids, your spouse, your job if you have one, friends, family members, extracurricular activities, and so on and so forth. Some days I wake up and simply smile, knowing that I'm doing my best and God will see me through...other days, I just want to pull the sheet over my head and quickly fall back into a deep sleep.

As the site says, "Mama merit badges was started as a response to the death of authentic recognition for the very hard work of mothering." I think that sometimes, the hard work of motherhood (well, fatherhood too!) is taken for granted and we don't always get the appreciation we deserve.

Check out the website for these badges:

If I was rich, I think I would just buy hundreds of sets to give out to all the moms I know. It's a tough job, but one of life's greatest blessings! God bless all of you moms!


Camille, Blake, Pierce and baby Asher said...

Amen... and sweet pic.

Anonymous said...

Catching up today on your blog.

You are SUPERMOM...seriously, I read your blog and I think "man, I am so bad" we don't get out of the house nearly as often as you guys and I haven't been able to find any playgroups around here. You seem to do SO much with Julianna plus you are working part time too.