Saturday, February 28, 2009

The weekend

It was another nice and relaxing weekend. Jacob didn't have to work on Saturday morning for the first time in a few weeks and I was home for the day as well. We spent the day playing with Juliana and taking her swimming.

Yesterday morning, we went to mass and noticed that St. Francis offers morning fellowship just like the church we attended back in the U.S. Their version of "coffee and donuts" is fried chicken wings, satay, noodles and other local foods. Not really our thing, so we skipped this and came back home.

After lunch and Juliana's nap, we headed over to IMM for a little bit, mainly just to go for a walk and get out of the apartment. Juliana was overwhelmed when we got to the water playground, because there were a lot of kids there of all different ages. She didn't end up spending much time in the water, which is very unlike her. For dinner, we had some friends over and got take out from Botak Jones.

A recent personal matter has once again reminded me how very important it is to make the most of every moment, even the ones we think are insignificant. Juliana is my daily reminder that life is a gift, not to be taken for granted. There are times when I get caught up in the chaos or preoccupied with someone or something that is causing strife in my life. I end up wasting time on these matters rather than simply enjoying the blessings in my life and the loved ones that make it so enjoyable. I'm starting to believe more in the saying, "God doesn't give us any more than we can handle." He certainly likes to present us with challenges and test our character, but he also equips us with exactly what we need to overcome each obstacle and learn from our past.

1 comment:

yvonne59 said...

We share your feeling toward the "coffee and donuts", we always console ourselves and imagine those were just our local food, like the noodle, chicken wings,etc...:)