Tuesday, January 20, 2009

City life

Lately, I've been missing having a car. Especially with all the running around we've been doing, it would be so convenient just to be able to drive to everything instead of taking the MRT. It adds times to everything!! But then again, I also get to do a lot of walking, which has been nice. Once in a while though, I break down and take a cab, especially after grocery shopping if I'm not close to home. It's so much work to live in a city!

So today was one of those cab days...I had a doctor's appointment and the medicine they gave me to take at lunch made me feel so exhausted and groggy. I decided to skip the extra walking and get a cab. I have met so many interesting cab drivers, some nice, some not. There are those who would prefer to just do their job without having to put any extra into it. Then there are those that strike up a conversation and if I can understand them, it's always pretty interesting. Today was one of the conversation days and he was asking me about living in America and how I felt about the inauguration of Obama. It seems that everyone is asking me about Obama lately! I didn't stay up to watch any of the news coverage, so I don't have a whole lot to say about the subject.

After talking about Obama, he moved on to how long I have lived in Singapore and what we are here for. The question is always asked, "So, how are you handling the heat?" And my answer is always the same...it's tough. Especially as the temperature slowly increases and the wind diminishes. More time at the pool in the next few months!

Other than not having our own car, I like living in the city and an apartment. I never imagined I would enjoy it, but it's growing on me. The only noises that bug me are all of the jets flying by during the afternoon since there is a flight school in Tuas and the construction going on nearby at the school they are building...although that's not all that bad anymore. And it's nice to be able to walk to a store, the bank, a mall, the park, restaurants, etc. in about ten minutes.

I'm sure we will eventually settle into a house someday, but not anytime in the near future! We don't know where we'll be in a year, nevermind a few!

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